Nurse's Corner
Nurse Shulman
Welcome Parents, Guardians, and Students to the Nurse's Corner! This is Nurse Shulman, your school Nurse.
Students, whenever you feel sick or need to take medication, your teacher will send you to my office.
Parents and Guardians, I look forward to working with you to keep your child healthy and safe at PS140!
For important information about asthma, allergies, and medication, please see below! ↓
-All students with a diagnosis such as asthma, allergies, or diabetes should submit a Medication Administration Form to the Nurse.
-All students who need general medication administered at school must submit a General Medication Administration Form to the Nurse.
-Submitting a Medication Administration Form allows the school Nurse to treat your child in the case of a medical emergency! Even if your child takes medicine at home, it is important for the Nurse to be aware of their medical needs in case of an emergency!
*If your child has one or more of these health diagnoses, please have your child's doctor fill out the form(s) to the right* →
*Your child's doctor must fill one out every year and you must submit it to the Nurse every year!*
-Here is the link to the General Medication Administration Form: English Spanish French Arabic
-Here is the link to the Medication Administration Form for asthma: English Spanish French Arabic
-Here is the link to the Medication Administration Form for allergies: English Spanish French Arabic
-Here is the link to the Medication Administration Form for seizures: English Spanish French Arabic